General Discussion

General DiscussionWAS Cookie guide removed from the forum ??

WAS Cookie guide removed from the forum ?? in General Discussion
-DI- TheDrengr

    lol 80% of the player base doesnt even seem to remember the kill bounty of jungle creeps was unanimously reduced by 20%


      Because cookie saw that no oneone actually followed his guide ! Well i trid ro spam invo but either he gets banned or there is enemy's turn to pick first sp they pick invo gg


        Hahahaha omfg mafioso you are so fucking stupid it's unbelievable. U didn't even mKe any proper arguments. Eh I'm not gonna bother supporting that. JUST TRUST. Ok? LMao


          It's simple. You're Friend is 2k because he keeps dropping to 2k. Over calibration is possible. Just trust me ok? He bought a 4k account and drops. He isn't 4k. Trust me ok idiot?

          You are 1k probably. Your understanding of the game is so poor (trust me I'm too lazy to argue this) u think they are all the same based on your own flawed judgement because you're so fucking dense and incapable of analysis = u come up with some ridiculous theories that have no evidence whatsoever and u can't even string your anecdotal data into anything coherent.

          Trust me


            Bohoo I have all these friends and we have no idea how match making or mmr works. Boohoo it probably doesn't work because we have no clue what to make of it.





                so much autism


                  Look at us. We all calibrated high, then we sucked hard and dropped hard with sub 50% wr. Hence I'm not bad, but it's all the same.


                    Mental Gymnastics of the delusional mind.


                      I have autism


                        rofl i had the guide saved as html page but i deleted it hehe

                        BSJ. LGD

                          because he got sponsered by gameleap and now is posting guides there.
                 promocode: cukivhs


                            He is workin with the sam sushi guy


                              lol , jacked you need help bro rly quit this site and dota and go find a doctor , actually it would be rly helpful for humanity if a scient would take your brain for an experiment to see how it works. just how is this possible how? how you write that much without saying anything first of all its same problem you always have you simply dont understand at all the comments you read. how is he 2k if he keeps falling into 2k and than creatre another acc are yo urly that retarded? he drops to 2k only cause he stops there if he keeps playing he might drop even in 1k jsut like you . but no your not 1 k right caue you have 60% winrate in party ahahahhaahhahaha, the only diference 1k have from other players actually is that they are with autism jsut like you you dont understand simple sentences how can you such a complicated game as dota jessus kid you rly need hepl unles you are 12 years old or less, in bot case im not gonna waste not even 1 more sec of my life for you , i tried my best to save a retarded i cant do more i thing god will understand




                                  ^ waiting for one as well, i can't bring my eyes to read another mafisto post, no matter how hard i try to look my eyes just don't want to.


                                    I legit think he might have a learning disability and failed school.

                                    trust me