General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Medusa broken?

Is Medusa broken? in General Discussion

    There's no way to shut down her farming. At laning phase she buys clarity mangoes bottle and spam her snake. Then just keeps farming the whole game trying to avoid fights. I try to smoke with teammates but then she just ults and tp out its ridiculous. Then comes late game, well theres nothing you can do at that point. She has 2.5k hp, 2.5k mana. hits 4 people with 250 damage. that is 1000 DAMAGE per attack. People complain about tinker techies zeus. but think about it. Medusa is actually more broken. I think she needs to be removed from the game tbh. what u guys think.


      Am pl od nyx


        U need heart..
        and A BRAIN


          Not sure if troll, or just 2k player.


            @Hotel those heroes are slow farmers especially OD and nyx. before they get even 3 slots, medusa already 6 slotted killing your base.


              @Stirling so what if 2k player? What makes you think your better? get off your high horse


                There's no way to shut down her farming.



                  @Tim so you think the only way to win is to farm faster than enemy? Ever heard of shutting her in lane or sticking as 5?

                  Saya Tidak Takut, Hadapi ...

                    pick a nyx and a nuker like lion (I'm a lion spammer), I dust while Nyx SS and scout ahead, our full combo kills a farming medusa 3 levels ahead of us, repeat everytime both our SS is active, (our SS are massive damage, we have 4 stuns, with shoes and dust we can go anywhere and kill anyone, we also both suck mana)

                    If you cant do that, sorry to say but your finger skills, hero counter picking skill, and you map control/awareness skills is bad, train more,

                    if medusa last pick, and you want to actually win, play the support/ganker role, harass her heavily and block creeps stacks, (creep stack is her main source of exp boost, especially the ancients), this is why i always play support, to stop enemy carry from snowballing,

                    your thread here explains that you only play cores, only knows of last hitting and getting kills, you're a greedy player. play support and learn how to gank junglers


                      @volvo took my money. you know medusa will last pick right? so if you first pick lion or nyx ofcourse enemy will not pick medusa. theres no way enemy pick medusa against lion. unless you want to last pick your lion? which is bad because you want your carry/mid to last pick. your argument is invalid sir.




                          Hey Tim... the star next to someone's name means they
                          have minimum 5000 MMR.
                          @stirling is obviously better just from being more than twice your MMR.

                          You don't have to last pick your mid/carry ; that's a myth that noobs believe in.
                          Also Lion isn't a real Medusa counter. Not even in lane.
                          Learn basics before trying to think about theory crafting.

                          If you're asking for a tip be slightly more humble -- especially if you're low MMR.

                          Cant Win

                            You can rekt medusa using arc warden.


                              @KingY When youre paying dotabuff for those subscription and stars that doesn't really mean anything. i know mid/carry dont have to last pick in pro games, because they actually have a strategy so they already anticipate the counters and all. but you cant do that in pubs sir.

                              @Tofu DaHyun are you talking about the most useless hero that never gets picked in pubs? Tbh I never seen that hero in any game.


                                theres a thing called diffusal blade which any hero can buy.


                                  seriously i think removing the hero just solves the problem generally. tbf


                                    Hey @Tim -- no one pays for a subscription. Anyone above 5000 MMR has the star even if they don't have dotabuff plus. I don't have it.

                                    If you're going to act like a supercilious little noob like you are... How about this : I'll crush the crap out of you on stream SF vs SF without leveling Raze.

                                    Also dumb dumb -- there's no such thing as "you can't do that in pubs". Learn to listen when being told something by players that can 1v5 vs noobs like you.

                                    You are bad so you don't argue with someone who's top 1500.


                                      @KingY whooah, do you really think of your self that high? that's really sad for you to think that your some sort of god. there are players better than you and will always be. you should be more humble sir. just my 2 cents.


                                        Tim is just a troll account guys come on


                                          @KingY I am a support player so I'm not saying I can beat you 1v1 sf. But to say that you will beat me 1v1 sf without leveling Raze is plain arrogance. I dare you sir.

                                          Saya Tidak Takut, Hadapi ...

                                            you clearly dont even read my entire comment Tim, proves me more that you got triggered when I say you only play cores or cant support well, Medusa is not going to be removed, by valve, the winrate is average,

                                            I even gave solutions on my comment that you didnt even notice, you're not here to look for solutions,
                                            youre just making this thread to say "i'm good, shit just imbalanced"

                                            even 7 billion humans cant convince you to learn from your mistakes man.
                                            Holy shit

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                                              Who is it this time? :thinking:

                                              Saya Tidak Takut, Hadapi ...

                                                oh shit just a troll acount, jebaited


                                                  Are you pretending sir @Tim ?


                                                    No. Not a troll.
                                                    He's a genuine unskilled 2500 MMR trash with 25% winrate on AM.

                                                    @Tims on stream -- 100$ via PayPal if you score 15 creeps in 5m or if I don't manage to kill you twice/take your tower before 5m.

                                                    That's how bad you are. I don't have to be humble when you're obviously a display of arrogance and Dunning Kruger's.
                                                    Even if you were a carry/mid player you could never get close to winning if you're below 4500.

                                                    Unlike yourself I'm aware that there are players above me. I'm top 1500 EU which places me in the top 5000 players in the world.
                                                    Yet you believe you can disregard my comments or those of people with higher MMR.
                                                    You are the arrogant child who should learn the meaning of humility.

                                                    Take up my 1v1 offer. I dare you.


                                                      @KingY 100$ sounds like a great offer, but I wouldn't want to embarass you sir, so I have to decline. 1v1 sf WITHOUT leveling Raze is a very bold move. I don't think you have the slightest chance to win with that condition. Thanks for the offer though. I don't mean to be arrogant, and I apologize if it came off that way. Good luck to you sir, hope you get top 1 EU soon.

                                                      BSJ. LGD

                                                        Europe West 383
                                                        US East 156
                                                        Other 5

                                                        feels account buyer man


                                                          ^True sir. glad someone actually understood


                                                            More like EU player playing for NA team for 6 months.
                                                            My EU friends joined in NA games.
                                                            If your going to "investigate" -- be thorough.
                                                            Else you're just slandering.

                                                            Just coached matrice's team and then RvP's.
                                                            He can confirm himself.

                                                            Other 90 34% what does that make you "sir"?

                                                            Or how about you take up the offer since it's your main "sir"?

                                                            Avoid having the same syntaxic faults.
                                                            Now boy you take up the offer ;
                                                            On stream so the rest of dotabuff lurkers can watch you get whipped.

                                                            BSJ. LGD

                                                              im not tim u idiot


                                                                @KingY I play in SEA, you play in EU/NA. It would be unfair for either of us if one will have delay disadvantage. I don't think it'll work sir.


                                                                  Yeah the double posting + SEA kinda says you are.


                                                                    Call me crazy, but ill back the KingY horse... i'll throw in an arcana on this no raze SF build.

                                                                    All sillyness aside. The trench only exists if you think it does, 2k5 player got dumpstered by a hero, complains OP instead of dealing with the hero properly, he will learn in due time. i'm sure you're right though, your team mates hold you back *facedesk

                                                                    Honestly if there was a dusa against me every game i'd be stoked, seriously thrilled. It's much better than a zues/windrunner/potm/tinker that seems to be dumpstering the midlane every odd game.

                                                                    Trick to playing against dusa, Don't let her get to skadi, the hero is a perma nonfactor that really likes farming the dire bermuda triangle. up untill skadi you have to try really hard to die to her or you just causally walk away. try not to eat snakes mid, they hurt.
                                                                    So lets say its 25mins, she's been hitting creeps and hasn't been feeding, she has Linkens, dlance, a yasha and half a skadi... pretty farmed right?... group up, push sidelanes.. that gorgon can't deal with splitpush, like, at all.
                                                                    You're some tinker/storm/qop/ember/ANY MID HERO IN THE META... that dusa is strong, yet she is litterally a walking creep untill 15 slotted. Maybe there is a world where in sub 3k players just right click the dusa and hope for the best, but atleast in the upper pleb brackets we kite the hero. just shove lanes and isolate her from her team, a dusa without crowd control is a dead dusa

                                                                    TL:DR.. Hero is trashcan, out scaled by spectre, out farmed by tinker/Arc, Zues has better HG defence, DK pushes towers faster. Not exactally sure what the issue is.

                                                                    BSJ. LGD

                                                                      tfw im tim


                                                                        Oh & yeah I'll take you on with a ping disadvantage any day.

                                                                        BSJ. LGD

                                                                          "I try to smoke with teammates"
                                                                          this means im not tim ffs i dont try to make plays with animals


                                                                            Confirmed you're not indeed ; Tim better take up my offer.

                                                                            Either way I just lost a lot of sleep over this... It's ducking 7:30...

                                                                            Saya Tidak Takut, Hadapi ...

                                                                              lul dude ur jebaited tims is laughing hard rite now


                                                                                @KingY I will take you if we play in a middle server. Basically if youre in NA and im in SEA we can do EU server. I don't want either of us to have ping disadvantage just to be fair. If you agree with that, you can add me.


                                                                                  @KingY I warn you though, you are in a very disadvantage situation without leveling up Raze. Think about it.


                                                                                    Drinking game, take a drink for every missed raze-

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                                                                                      Idk but late game medusa is so shit, just kill her teammates and let ur carry one on one her, she will probably lose with that 250 damage per hit lol


                                                                                        Her mana shield is gud but his stats is so shit that i think most carry is as tanky or even tankier than her late imo


                                                                                          er any hero lastpicked is unbeatable on some cases,not much you can do

                                                                                          but you can,as a support if hate medusa that much just come to her lane and hit her from lvl 1 then ward the jungle later(medu mid)

                                                                                          if you are talking about medu safelane,pull the creeps so she'll lasthit on her tower at lvl 1


                                                                                          gib that offer to me and we go playyyyyyyy

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                                                                                          Inflation Agent

                                                                                            KOTL + Mana Leak + 350 cast range Talent = Manaless Medusa

                                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                              what if i told you you can just buy diffusal blade on any hero?


                                                                                                ^you get 3 shotted before you even burn half of medusa's mana

                                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                  alright its clear you are just an ignorant retard or a horrible troll not gonna bother

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                                                                                                  Sanft & Sorgfältig

                                                                                                    You guys All underestimate dusa a whole lot. im spamming dusa basicly since i startet dota, and running over 60% wr in 5k bracket.

                                                                                                    First of All dusa is rly strong in early game with dmg Talent dragon lance and mom there's few heros that can Push as fast as dusa.

                                                                                                    Also all the Mana burn stuff can be easily dodged by good dusa players. Best Way to counter dusa is high mobility teams and Lots of cc.

                                                                                                    Best counter is centaur in my opinion, just dodge dusa ult and fight after, Either burst her or ignore her.


                                                                                                      Excuse me? my mmr is 2.3k and according to valve i am above average (2.1k) so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and im going on factual basis. I dont like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.