General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes any1 have the same issue? D:

Does any1 have the same issue? D: in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    So i was wondering lately that i kinda seem stuck when it comes to my MMR. I do win more than lose but my MMR barely goes up, basicly when i win i gain like 20 points and when i lose i lose 30 points, does any1 have the same issue here? ._.


      Mine is +26 or -26 whatever i do
      The rmm system is retarded

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        it's just how the retarded system works. it assumes you're right where you belong unless you go on big win streaks. not easy to overcome when just one idiot can ruin it for your whole team.


          I think its either because you have high MMR or you are losing to players that have lower MMR.

          Woof Woof

            you need streaks


              ^^^ you mean i should not win at least 100 for a win vs a tryhard 5 stack with tryhard combos as 5 soloplayers?
              The system is just flawed. It doesnt take in personal performance
              Lose = lose mmr
              Win = win mmr

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                this is how most mmr systems work sadly.

                part of the reason why valve didn't want to show players their rank.

                Woof Woof

                  on my alt where i ruined 3 games in a row in first i lost -24 then -20 and now -15 first victory after 3 ruins gave me +13 while pre - streak it was +30 for win

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                    lol you are stuck

                    PS: you remember there's a command called -unstuck ? it will solve your problem. cheers !

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                    Ples Mercy

                      HUE HUE HUE ITS FUNNY BRO

                      well since im not the only one guess its normal then.


                        if you had a bad mmr it would probably be +30 for a win and -20 for a loss.
                        I bet in a few weeks the try hard stacks will complain when they get +0.1 for a win and -200 for a loss


                          i win 26 for a win and lose 26 for loss no matter what i do

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                            ^^ same :) Even when I have Russians on my team.


                              You need to play better. I usually go + 21- +27 and -17- -25 . Never -30 If you lose 30 points you played smth wrong.


                                example: costed me 26 points
                       won 26 points

                                i have even worse examples for example a match where i fed couriers cause my whole team was peruvian and i still lost 26 points.


                                  atum 金槍魚 What`s wrong with that example? Totaly normal. Midas Ck,need lose even alot more than -26 be happy.


                                    im talking bout KDAs here, or do u think the mm can figure that midas ck is bad? retard.


                                      Retard? Big words kid. Your kda was also bad 2,what you expect?


                                        If you want to loss less points when losing game,you must be with lvl/gpm/xpm and kda similar to opponents best players. And Bane and Silencer was even better lvl than you so I don`t understand if your team feed and you also play nothing why you expect to loss less points?


                                          all im saying is that matches like thse shouldnt cost me the same rating as matches like the ck one, where my whole team fed 8 or more kills. r u dumb?


                                            Maybe your mmr just accurately reflects the skill you display in games. So why would it move?

                                            Ples Mercy

                                              not rly sometimes i dont even play horrible and yet i still lose like 30 points o_O