General Discussion

General DiscussionBeginners help

Beginners help in General Discussion

    Morning, evening to you all.

    Lets be done with the hard part: I'm a new player on dota 2, the only MOBA i ever played was LoL (here i said it, you can throw me stone or congratulate me to be able to evolve), and i was a decent player. My goal is to become a decent player on Dota2.

    So i've done the training part and started learning little by little the game and all that are consider basics mechanics: last hitting, denying, canceling auto attacks, creep blocking and so on... I'm getting better at it as time passes.

    I'm still playing against Bots, in order to be able to graduate from here, i need to be able to carry this kine of game no matter what. Which is not what i feel like i'm doing at the moment.

    But here are my question, is there any viable tutorial on those shops and how/ when to buy. I'm at loss about it and i can't find any good tutorial about it. Some would say it should be the last of my worries, but well i feel like i should be able to navigate freely those things in order to have a much better experience in real game.

    I'm gonna try, precise my thoughts: on LoL i understand the way items works: you try to maximize one of the 3 majors stats of your hero, with sometimes if you lucky one active.... Here, through the games i've watch and tutorial on Heroes it seems it's not the way you do it here. I feel like it's more accurate to pick something that will enhance your overall skill. But how do you determine if force staff will be more usefull than blink dagger. I know experience will help, but i feel like i'm not able to navigate through the shop easy enough. And also at proper time.

    Anyway, i would welcome any insight/help/ Thanks for your time.


      play a better game


        Well it sounds like what you're asking is about item choice, so hopefully this helps.

        Blink dagger vs force staff: Blink is only gotten on heroes that need it for positioning purposes, where it can be used for initiation (it has a longer range than force staff) and also has a significantly lower cooldown + no longer has manacost (both have nearly none). So its basically a offensive vs defensive tradeoff, if you're confident that you won't get blown up the instant you blink then you should buy a blink, otherwise get a force staff.

        Some heroes that use blink really well are heroes that rely on positioning to fully utilize their spells. Generally its gotten on heroes like Bat, Tide, SK, Enigma, Axe, Brew, Earthshaker, Legion Commander, Puck, TA, Tinker, Slardar, Meepo, things like that, where they benefit from the aggression aspect of it as well as the much longer range (in a lot of scenarios the force staff range of 600 is too low and makes it quite difficult to initiate). It can be gotten on almost any hero if what you want is the ability to blow someone up and just the increased aggression capability it gives you (usually seen on a hero like SF).

        However, on a lot of support heroes you want to get force staves since you can use them on allies too to get them out of trouble if they get initiated on, and you can use the extra mobility if initiated on.

        Can address more specific ones if you want me to.

        Provided you know what all the items do, this is a pretty good intro to item choice:

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          There is a rly useful in-game button, a small book (in the row where you can see the game stats, click on it, and choose a guide, usually go for what has most likes on it, if there are several guides, and one of them says mid, other is support, choose accordingly which lane you are going. For a while, stick to those guides. You will have more experience with time, you will be able to make your own builds, but at start, just try as much as possible, but something that makes sense, for that, in-game guides are good.

          Quick maffs

            First of all, its great what you are doing, learning so much about the game itself before even start playing it, but items choices on dota are more relative to experience i would say. You should focus on reading guides about heroes instead of a general guide about items, once you know what a hero does its easier to know what you should buy, you can use the guides that people write on steam too.

            Try to learn what every items do, i think that would be great. If you have money for a component of a item you should buy it, try to buy the components that give you good stats first.

            If you are playing support heroes you should focus on utility/tank items, if you are playing against clock as a cm you need a forcestaff asap, this kind of things you learn with time.


              Go on sites with guides, like, choose heroes you like and try to find long guides, there are some, you can learn a lot from them, and not just about that one hero, there are lots of guides where they write about how you are supposed to use that particular item and when to get it, and it applies to multiple heroes, so read as much as you can, but also try them out at least against bots. Also, for early game item choises and laning, go on youtube, and search for dotacinema, watch xvrogue's guides, learn dota 2 or something similar title, loads of guides about everything. If you know all of those, go to xvrogue's channel and watch his advanced guides. Some of them are outdated but the mechanics still work. Also, Luminous's videos are rly useful. Some ppl like Purge too, some hate him, but hes good for beginners too.

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                Thanks everyone for the advice, i'll try to graduate from total new player to noob with knowledge.

                And a special one for vaeldiithia, the dotacinema will be handy.

                @stuffffgff: I do not know yet every items of the game but i'll keep that link close by.


         ( don't mind the offensive name, it is nice guide for starting, helps me a lot )

                  Ples Mercy

                    Basicly what you have to keep in mind is that dota is extremely dynamic. Your itemchoices are depenandant on your enemies, your playstyle and what your team needs.

                    Noone can teach you how to decided, thats something you have to learn for yourself.