General Discussion

General Discussionraging

raging in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    I have noticed that when I play dota I usually rage a lot from stupid things(for example I see someone I want to gank , I tp with prophet, sprout the guy and try to take him down. But my lane partener decides that it is better to not try and help me kill the guy. Great! lion hex me, ults and I'm dead). It usually leads to a rage uninstall. Just to reinstall the game the next day

    how can I control my anger? I always see pro players being very cool despite the situation

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    nuvole bianche

      Keep Calm.


        they play with Team mates, they talk and are on the same page. Get some dota friends and play with them more often. Solo Queue fastest way to suicide. My last 5 games, solo Q and 2 stack and 5 losses. Its harder to rage at people you like playing with and you will win more.


          U can't, get a 5 stack


            Play it safely and always assume that your teammates are mentally handicapped (but dont be bigheaded).
            If you start every game with expecting that you will play with noobs, after a while you wont even notice the "avegare" bad decisions made by random players, you'll notice only the biggest noobs or if someone is quite good.
            Or at least this worked for me, now i go apeshit only if one of the biggest noobs starts complaining without reasoning or with made up reasons.

            Like in my last game:
            Timber was pritty useless and obviously couldnt play that hero... however, i started shouting with Lycan, because we were winning hardly. I raped Weaver on our safe lane in 1v1 with a Silencer (not that hard), i guess we were winning mid lane aswell and we had a nicely afk farming Lycan. We had so much potential to push in the lanes 1 by 1 and since their Doom went for Midas, they didnt really have anything to stop our 5 man push.
            AND Lycan said no, he wanted to split push. Forced our team to push top and die in 4v5 while he unsuccessfully tried to get bot T2. Needless to say the enemy had 4 carries and in 4v5 fights we weren't that powerful with an itemless Timber, itemless solo support Alche.
            Lately the only thing bothers me is when we can win easily and someone fucks it up and cant even give reasons for his decisions.
            (feel free to check the replay and give opinion if i was wrong about it)

            Lorne Malvo

              Go into every game expecting to lose your temper and you will.

              Ask yourself why you are angry? Is it something that you can influence? Are your expectations of others too high and you get angry because you perceive an injustice when you feel they failed you ?

              Play perfectly at all times yourself before you ever get angry (and flame) someone else.

              No one owes you anything. Anyone can play however well or badly they prefer, but they will play worse if others display anger that is almost a cert.

              There's a great guide to the psychology and mind set here.

              Also take a look into The Dunning Kruger syndrome and see how this applies to Dota 2. Very enlightening.

              The source of your anger is what is key. And then how you respond to it.

              Proud Boi

                Visit doctor, ask for Lexapro.

                Hex Sigma

                  maybe I haven't made myself clear. Its more of a frustration. I don't clench my fists, throw things away, scream like an enraged animal of some sort but its definetly frustrating(I usually rage uninstall)


                    lol dude if you are frustrated coz of feking game what are you doing in real life situations?


                      > Relax You're Doing Fine.

                      King of Low Prio

                        Bitch on the forums, that will help


                          sampson is the rage master


                            get better or get a job or kill yourself.


                              I was muted today for calmly trying to tell the team what to do.
                              Forgot that people don't like to communicate in dota.

                              Hex Sigma

                                @sampson its super effective!


                                  just laugh it off, its just a game in the end.
                                  you should have fun at games even if you are loosing.
                                  unless you are a pro player whose income depends on this game.


                                    It's sad but true. And that's why, when they removed solo queue from unranked matchmaking, i knew that i would no longer be able to play quality games that much and that this would force me to rage even more. So all you have to do is to learn:
                           judge how skilled your teammates are and how skilled your opponents are and
                                    2.when to help your team and when to give up on them and kill the opponent's base and buildings.

                                    edit: I also believe TSR, true ranking system was much better than this bullshit ELO-type one. People were bitching about the previous system and now that they got it, they are crying even more because of the stupid people they get matched with. "Be careful what you wish for because sometimes it might come true", FUCKING RETARDS..! GG, WP, ENJOY now! xaxa...!

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                                      when you get angry stop for 10 secods and say the word " Goosfraba " few times it will get you relaxed

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!