General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win in 2k-3.6k bracket.

How to win in 2k-3.6k bracket. in General Discussion
Mortimer Smith


    Spend your first 650 gold in:
    *If some1 buyed it buy sentrys and smoke
    Don't stop the music (Buy wards all the game), put it where the ppl are.
    Don't steal farm even if your carries suck.

    If your mid sucks:
    -Roam to mid and make a safe gank (DON'T DIE)
    -Ward mid zone to avoid ganks from the other supports.
    -Up courier in the min 3.
    +If your mid go aganist pudge or mirana or something like that WARD MID.

    Your carrys sucks:
    -Try to fight in lanes on your carrys sucks and they dont know how to lasthit.
    -Make stacks, if they don't farm it u cold farm it in midgame (22 min).
    -ONLY if your carrys sucks a lot STEAL THE KILLS.

    - Don't put your ass in the middle of the fight, just walk arround and use your habilities.

    Full of ragers? JUST IGNORE ALL

    -Tranquil boots ( lich and lion)
    -Normal boots or mana boots
    -Travel boots

    Blinkdagger is allways OK.
    Ghost scepter if the other team is full of carries, but its allways OK too.
    Necronomicon and travel boots with shaman is OK
    DONT buy FORCE STAFF if u are going to use it only on u.
    DONT buy MEKANSM, BUY URN OF SHADOWS if u want to heal, its easier to use.

    The easyest way is OGRE MAGI and LICH i think. Making it u will have a 75% of wins.


      Or do none of these things and simply get good and get to 4k? (Haven't actually read your post) There is no special secret to getting higher mmr. Just stomp with what you good at and try to organize and lead your team


        well Pub stomp hero + ur "Decent " skill will help you win these games completely alone....


          Why would i do any of that when i can just farm decently, get decent items and win without a sweat from going random and offlane?


            lich offlane, hardsuport lion, roaming bane.





                RIP engrish

                Mortimer Smith

                  My engrish is okaish mans.
                  @yeah well
                  what is wrong with roaming bane?
                  yay, when i played dota thats the best option, even it works in 4k
                  Ok, if u can farm and carry the game ok, so do it and up your rank. If u enjoy playing support and the people is fucking you every game, try to do it.
                  When u are in the 3k bracket and u mb should be in 3.5, u cant carry alone and in 3.5 all player pick carry, so u cant have an entire lane for farm, and u cant go jungle cuz 4 other players are already doing it.
                  So picking this supports is easy to win.


                    At least between 2k and 3k people still thinks that mid HAS to gank as a rule and (most) supports do nothing but sit in lane and take xp watching his carry getting harrassed to death. It doesnt matter when you're playing SF/OD and your sidelanes have no stuns, if you don't "gank" even knowing that you will waste time because you wont get the kill, people will flame you and say "gg ez mid"/"mid fail no ganks". Things get worse if you're playing against a Pudge. You can zone him out hard, deny creeps, avoid hooks, win the lane but eventually he'll rotate to a WARDED sidelane, hook a teammate with 0 map awareness several times and get fat. Enjoy the "gg ez mid" fest.
                    No point on wasting all your gold on wards. Most of the time your teammates won't look at their minimap warded or not (reminder: sub 3k mmr bracket).
                    IMO if you wanna win playing support, pick a decent roamer, get smoke, get early lvls and gank the fuck out of your mid/opposite lane. If you give them enough advantage they might carry you at some point.