General Discussion

General DiscussionAbyssal Underlord, Arc Warden, Winter Wyvern and Oracle

Abyssal Underlord, Arc Warden, Winter Wyvern and Oracle in General Discussion

    op crazes for new heroes are dumb. how was earth spirit op pre-nerf anyway


      ^ Instant AoE stun, followed by easily set up 5 second nuke/silence afterwards, followed by EZ initiation with an ulti which dealt double the AoE damage of a Sand King ulti when refreshed enough and which doesn't need any channeling time. It wasn't exactly a difficult combo to pull off either. It was also a lot easier to get into a lone target's face and push it towards your tower/teammates back then.

      And this is only the basic stuff a high 3k player can grasp about the hero pre-nerf. Other, a lot more higher rated people, can tell you more about him.