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    Tought sf game, tho ur itemization is whack. There is rlly no need for manta, against the orchid given u have bkb. I wud get a satanic after pike, rlly helps against the blademails, and then mkb. U shud have more building dmg, and ur slardar shud have built better, and ur venge has a mek at 59 min.


      You won the game in less than 40 mins with a techies. You didn't seem too involved in team fight and for a game you had such an advantage on seemed lackluster on gpm. A win is a win though! Kind of like my last sb game really.


        seems like youve helped youre team a lot to win lanes with successfull ganks. and from there meepo proceeded to carry the game for your team


          I got carried, cuz silencer made me die, I shouldn't have even engaged, not without euls.
          I got controlled up and didn't farm well cuz spec was ricing the jungle.
          I made a lot of mistakes tho, its not rlly my teams fault at all they carried me
          Skip me

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          Dune, the Desert Planet

            Casual ratting Troll. Good farm also. Weird seing AM, Troll and WK in same team lul

            casual gamer

              i cant fathom buying butterfly in the game lol, id rather have all kinds of random shit like hex and orchid and silver edge


                You destroyed them all without the need of your team's help, wp.

                Super Senko-san Time

                  PA was a bad pick for that match. You should've went Manta and farm was bad. You shouldn't be outfarmed by a WR 30 minutes into the game.

                  The Medic Guy

                    min 8 midas and min 16 dragon lance is not so impressive, but your team manage to win every team fight and snowball even with 4v5, and invoker and enigma keeps dying.


                      Double midas afk jungle LD makes you win that game . Its a snowball, you deal 2nd most damage that game .

                      Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                        Good item timings, KDA, build

                        I feel like the game went on longer than it should have, also youre dead to me for spamming invoker....


                          Super intense game i guess they should win late game but you manage to outplayed them in teamfight so you win congrats


                            co-owner quitted dotabuff because they can't deal with this bullshit forum.


                              Lost against a 5 carry team despite having a vision advantage and getting a lane of racks. Clearly don't know how to end games.


                                Lost against a midlane pudge. Hilarious stats. Probably better if you went Physical Type SF rather than the magical one.


                                  Typical garbage ember mid, easy 10 min desolator


                                    @Yukiko hello, what are you talking about? I dont even play SF... LMAO I think you looked at a different profile...


                                      Team spent too much effort into countering Pugna's Decrepify, your team failed to shut down spectre, too much item stacking, probably not your fault, perhaps try forcing high ground earlier before Spec ramps up his farm? Your team didn't get too much gold advantage despite having an alche, either.


                                        I gave the team 3 aghs and 2 moon shards, what more should I have done? Team refuses to push high ground despite invoker and spectre dying for 100+ seconds. I think alch is just bad dealing with those heroes and the 5 second late game BKB really hurt. Can anyone suggest a true late game spectre counter?


                                          @xd Your enemy is clearly outmatched, Veno feeding with no item but Aghanim? that's a bit ridiculous but you and Sniper do good in destroying those trash, not to mention that you have Nyx in your team so PA don't stand a chance either with her Battlefury on. (Spiked Carapace + Cleave, you know the rest.)


                                          Once she has gathered her strength, none can escape her terrible wrath.

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                                            @Anomalina when your game reaches so late, your best hope is rat against spectre, there's almost no hero out there that can outfight her in a teamfight, 1v1? Someone like Troll, but your best bet will always be rat against a spec. That veno got steamrolled by me xd, sniper doesn't want to go safe lane.

                                            Dune, the Desert Planet


                                              Decent TD, 0 deaths. Kinda meh overall AM, but a victory is a victory.


                                                decent game, you probably couldve farmed much more, but you were getting kills which balances it out. Also desolator is a weird item on jugg, but i suppose its alright.


                                                  Spec got shut down hard, LC has no idea what he's doing, typical 15min farming Enigma, nice GPM , good work taking out the trash.

                                                  Trolling Acc

                                                    @xd good item choices againts the enemies line up, did pretty well in protecting your core


                                                      Ayyy I could use some tips


                                                        @Fly 0 Deaths, Most HD, 600+ GPM almost equal to AM gpm, despite both core being hard carry, you still have no problem farming to snowball wp.

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                                                          @Kruelty- That CM is really something lmao, still your line up definitely do better in late game, with octarine core you can have 3 shields up at a time, simply too good to dispel chains, silence. Having a Guardian Greaves won't hurt either, you'll have another way to dispel chains and silences, use your shields for your teammates who are stunned. Team last hits are low as a whole. That Octarine comes rather late though, if you don't have GG boots, you should get that before heart or something so that your team can survive better.

                                                          Trolling Acc

                                                            your team got rekt pretty hard, lina and tida has a better stats than your #1, must be hard to supporting this kind of team lol


                                                              Lost against a midlane pudge. Hilarious stats. Probably better if you went Physical Type SF rather than the magical one.


                                                                nice farm , good last hits..


                                                                  as es you helped your team well early on, which held the game and after that it went all your way


                                                                    interesting lineup, but you managed to carry your team!


                                                                      You had minimal impact besides pushing towers. Invoker also had a bad day. GGWP. Grats.


                                                                        3k carried so ezzz
                                                                        Idiot invo


                                                                          It was savage game by jugg i assume that it was a mid problem sf shit


                                                                            A really good game as AM in VHS. Alright CS, Excellent GPM and XPM though I wonder, why did it take 48 minutes to end? I think you could have closed it out sooner, especially with a Tinker to help with pushing, though I guess it's the Tinker's fault. Lol WP (please comment on my 2nd previous game not the most recent one)

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                                                                              @Fly Far Away That game was actually my fault, I last picked CM against an Undying/Treant because i was lazy. Lina missed stuns to the points that I was laughing the last 20 minutes though.
                                                                              @Jet How your OD gets steamrolled by a Storm in early game is beyond my understanding. Your picks are pretty bad overall, no significant teamfight ability other than Bloodseeker's Blood Rite and unreliable Kunkka combos.


                                                                                @Jet Void and Sniper took advantage of your Ult to do the job. That timber should have a joy game though, what happened to him?


                                                                                  Wierd vhs game i dont understand fully. Why didnt bh went urn so you can get a faster midas. I am not sure about midas because i feel like euls is really important in that game. Overall you did a great job
                                                                                  Rofl highest building damage


                                                                                    @xd, Timber rushed into fights he should have won but didn't because of teamwork. Turns out you CAN ACTUALLY motivate a bunch of smurfers to play like a team than afk farm. He usually targeted me because I was tanking the fights, but usually ended up dying via Sniper KS. Lol. Skip me guys

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                                                                                      Shitstain teammates. Necro rekt your asses. GG.


                                                                                        Abandon? Super greedy line up on enemy team, well done.


                                                                                          You have so much impact in game as support. Ridiculous building damage and good game well played.


                                                                                            You should have E and W maxxed by lvl8 bro


                                                                                              GJ holding your own against a Mag as solo, managed to be relevant too even though their carries have way better potential + Omni, you probably ratted them half the game? Impressive considering your team lacks sustain compared to theirs, though their morphling's GPM is rather on the low side.

                                                                                              let me say i'm the bigges...

                                                                                                Least deaths as rubick in a 50 minute game, most assists, properly did the warding and dewarding duties and had decent gpm. GJ


                                                                                                  @Yukiko I told you to skip me! Lol. SKIP ME AGAIN GUYS

                                                                                                  Trolling Acc

                                                                                                    @clement's damn your team line up is so nice, combo wombo skill is real, supporting also done right i see nothing is wrong here


                                                                                                      @clement died more times than necessary, think ghost scepter/Lotus orb/solar crest would be way better, good warding, phoenix offlane 4Head

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!