General Discussion

General Discussion1k games are harder than 3k.

1k games are harder than 3k. in General Discussion
Yami Yugi

    hello red Angry Bird haha lol

    Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

      Idk what you expected when you posted in a thread full of snowflakes

      Snowflakes that have a normal family dinner without getting wasted on champaign and full with foie gras, caviar, lobster and oysters.



        i posted a christmas easter egg from tsukihime that i found yesterday and local autists somehow managed to get offended by that

        Idk what you expected when you posted in a thread full of snowflakes

        Self-awareness, ladies and gentlemen! Well, who am I kidding, mostly ladies, judging by the amount of bunched panties.

        '96 Neve Campbell

          Self-awareness, ladies and gentlemen! Well, who am I kidding, mostly ladies, judging by the amount of bunched panties.
          Well ur the one who seems to get it offended by everything ya big snowflake


            Well ur the one who seems to get it offended by everything ya big snowflake
            Mind-reading, ladies and gentlemen! Will the wonders never seize?

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            Yami Yugi

              now kiss <3 :kiss2: :luna_love:

              '96 Neve Campbell

                ill save my kisses for someone who isnt a snowflake, dont wanna get frostbitten

                Inflation Agent

                  this thread still alive? Woaw amazing 10/10

                  NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                    i came here to get a kiss and say that 1k games are indeed harder than 3k mmr games

                    now i go


                      1k games are harder than 3k. Everybody that's above crusader is trash in dota 2, these people can go fuck emselfs. Pathetic noobs. BTW liquid you can still hire heralds to go to ti for you.



                        '96 Neve Campbell

                          4 russians an intentional game ruiner and a smurf in 2 games lol bless 1.8k games


                            1k is the new 0k :thinking:

                            NIKAD MAJNOVALA!


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                              Treefolk Legend

                                lmao at least shes consistent with her inconsistency


                                  Played a game on my smurf because I wanted some last hitting practice in an easy environment.


                                  Anyway guy I'm playing against last picks Invoker so I'm kind of questioning about if he's genuine. First minute in lane confirms he's a smurf as well, and pretty highly skilled. Invoker's completely unfair attack damage makes it impossible to out CS him with snipers' 44 attack damage so I get crushed in lane. Then once he gets access to tornado he starts pulling off perfect tornado, coldsnap, meteor comboes and kills me in lane 3 times in a few minutes.

                                  Both other lanes also completely lost so we're down 17 kills to 1 in 10 minutes or something. Luckily since the rest of his team didn't pick a very good scaling team we were able to hold off long enough that eventually even the troll and medusa one my team got some farm and were able to help tank sufficiently to allow me to do my thing as sniper. The Lion was particularly happy because he thought we had lost fairly early on but I just told them to keep fighting.

                                  Anyway after playing against me the guy went on to crush a few more games.

                                  Lo I see that he ends up in this one - playing against one of my dota friends and a lower skilled friend that he also plays with. Aus dota, where the player pool is small enough that you can vs a guy on a low skill smurf and have him playing against your higher skilled friend in the same day.

                                  Smurf detection eventually triggered and placed the guy in a very high skill match which he abandoned and idk if he will ever use the smurf again.

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                                    hisui true ending is the worst timeline

                                    papito bravo

                                      Hi snowflake

                                      papito bravo

                                        You look very desperate
                                        i'LL GIVE YOU A PERFECT SOLUTION

                                        Don't put anime pics.


                                          ¼ MMR games are harder than τk games

                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                            Would rather have an anime pic than some random panda crappo

                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                              I had a nice Christmas and now I am back to work and stuff... I dont celebrate new years lol its just a fucking date

                                              NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                                Lol. New Year is just a date but xmas is more? Ahaha


                                                  I had a nice Christmas and now I am back to work and stuff... I dont celebrate new years lol its just a fucking date

                                                  Difficult to tell if you actually mean this or are just being sarcastic.


                                                    Go play against 3k or 4k player in a 1v1 match for you to know the difference you fucking idiot. Your Father should've used a condom


                                                      48% winrate normalskill player talking shit, that's actually pathetic

                                                      honestly if your words cause the thread to be locked you should get a ban from the forums.

                                                      This comment was edited
                                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                                        Go play against 3k or 4k player in a 1v1 match for you to know the difference you fucking idiot. Your Father should've used a condom
                                                        I have... and it was pretty straight forward... ive beaten 2-3k players easily in 1v1 and ive drawn against a 4k before.

                                                        Lol. New Year is just a date but xmas is more? Ahaha

                                                        Difficult to tell if you actually mean this or are just being sarcastic.

                                                        How is New Year's comparable to Christmas??? Christmas is practically a fortnights holiday where people take time off work and travel to see family members and such. New Year's is like a 24 hour event that most people skip cause they are all partied out from Christmas. IDK anybody who really cares about the new year its just an excuse to get drunk and let off some fireworks... not exactly a holiday nor is it any more important than Bonfire Night or Halloween in this country...

                                                        NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                                          It's the same shit, both are pretty much stupid. Both are exactly an excuse to get drunk and lert off some fireworks or whatever.



                                                            There you go :smile:

                                                            This comment was edited
                                                            papito bravo


                                                              God Panda >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anime pic
                                                              Panda knight >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anime pic
                                                              Panda >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anime pic
                                                              Crappo panda >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anime pic
                                                              Me >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Anime pic

                                                              Anime lovers can't deny,
                                                              They can only look at the screen,
                                                              Hoping to get a last hit by watching anime.


                                                                Even if you win a 1v1 that doesn't mean your 3k mmr sir, look at my mmr, I'm rising, but I ain't fooling myself to be a better player than I am. If you would consistently focus on what you can do better, rather than blame everyone else. You would realize that you can grow, but you're being blind to your own mistakes and Instead hate on people that lose their lanes, sometimes lanes are meant to be lost. Game gets hard early on but you (undoubtably winning every lane in every game you play) should be capable of holding them back till your offlane/safelane/mid core gets his farm on good levels. That's how you win. Not by choking on ass, and then blame your other laners for it.

                                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                  Yea don't use ranked as your "practise" games, that's why there's unranked to play in. At least get familar with builds and ganking first in AI Bot games. I hate people whom random and play "new" heroes in ranked. Also spam high impact easy comfy heroes you like. For example NS, Lion or Spectre. There is not really a MMR difference. Watching people play Immortal 4 or 5 or watching Admiral Bulldog play top 500 players gave me conclusion that there's bad players in "EVERY" mmr bracket. There's no "inhouse" or "club" area with only good players like dota 1.

                                                                  Doesn't matter if you're in 1k or 7k there's gonna be people whom build butterfly over defensive items verses a magic heavy lineup. Or that Silencer that makes orchid, that mirana that always ult under smoke etc...


                                                                    Watching people play Immortal 4 or 5 or watching Admiral Bulldog play top 500 players gave me conclusion that there's bad players in "EVERY" mmr bracket.

                                                                    An easy observation to make through a stream, but those 'bad' immortal players would still crush games notably below their mmr. Maybe they've been forced to play a role or hero they're not comfortable with, or maybe they're on tilt. Unless they're an account buyer they're still not objectively bad, they're just having a bad game; which in itself is something that's more likely to happen when you're playing against the best.

                                                                    Lebron Raymone James Sr.

                                                                      Seriously, you're just delusional haha.

                                                                      Lebron Raymone James Sr.

                                                                        over 3k games and still 1k haha


                                                                          just sayin she only has 148 solo ranked matches, according to dotabuff.

                                                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                            over 3k games and still 1k haha
                                                                            more like ~100 games in which I have climbed from 400mmr to 1.8k


                                                                              over 3k games and still 1k haha

                                                                              hahahaa hooohooohooo so funny , u must jerk off with ur self dude

                                                                              u cant save ur life by ruining others

                                                                              just say'in :)


                                                                                And again this thread is full of hate
                                                                                Cookie Shapiro would destroy THREEKAYMMR with FACTS


                                                                                  haha you noob go die

                                                                                  papito bravo

                                                                                    Since this thread is going berserk mode, lemme tell you a story
                                                                                    A panda is sad
                                                                                    A panda wants a million comments
                                                                                    A panda makes a thread
                                                                                    People help panda
                                                                                    Panda is happy

                                                                                    LETS COUNTDOWN TO 1 MILLION!


                                                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                      Can you stop fucking advertising you shit thread in my thread please

                                                                                      NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                                                                        happy new year idiots

                                                                                        '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                          I havent played dota in like 3 days and I feel healthier already


                                                                                            i didnt play dota for many days seriously and i feel very very weak


                                                                                              i didnt play dota for many days seriously and i feel very very weak
                                                                                              oh my, i've played -need to play- several normal match to get my mode back.

                                                                                              btw, i love kizuna ai

                                                                                              oh my, this thread is sure look lively.

                                                                                              This comment was edited

                                                                                                i wish i get my mode back 2

                                                                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                                  Which mode? the frosthaven poop?

                                                                                                  NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                                                                                    I calibrated when mmr was first an addition to this game. Being new to dota I calibrated low, approx. 400mmr. I played some solo games back in the day and managed around 900 before i peaked as a newer player and gave up on ranked.

                                                                                                    With the addition of the medals system i thought i would give ranked another try, however valve benchmarked our calibrations based on our old mmr - in my case mmr which was no longer relevant to my skill level having played well over a year of pubs since my last ranked game. I calibrated as a Herald V in terms of solo and party. Party mmr was easy for me, i played a lot of games with friends of similar skill to mine and i had around a 80% win rate reaching Crusader, Archon and eventually Legend last month. Currently I am sitting at around 3500 party mmr and have settled around Legend II. Party games are simple for me. I play in normal, high and very high skill lobbies in a variety of positions and always I have no real problem with the games. I am still gaining party mmr and I believe that I have the skillset of a 3/4k player.

                                                                                                    Solo mmr however has been problematic for me. A couple weeks ago I decided once and for all it was time to grind up my solo mmr so it is more in line with my party mmr. At first I thought this would be simple, 1ks are notoriously poor at this game (so I thought) and I presumed gaining mmr would be as simple as my experience in party ranked - however this wasnt to be. Winning in 1k is far harder than 3k. Ive read all of the posts on how to gain mmr and how to escape the trench of 1-2k but nothing works. I spam heros that win mid and dominate the mid game however I find increasingly that solo mmr is a 1v9 where my team play like how you would expect of 1ks with little understanding of space, the map and farming patterns. The other team will always seem to be more on point, with rotations to my lane and a general understanding of positioning, warding and team fights. Despite winning my lane in practically every game ive played in solo ranked my team will be so poor that the game will be untenable. 1k is blighted by toxic players and smurfs which make winning reliably impossible. Even if I find myself on a small streak of wins I will quickly revert to where I was due to smurfs preying on the 1ks on my team.

                                                                                                    I know I am not a 1k player because I dominate and control the pace of my 3-4k party games and yet in the week that ive been trying to grind solo mmr I have made it from 950 to 1100 mmr and got stuck. I implore valve to allow for the recalibration of solo mmr. There needs to be an option for players to attempt to reset their solo ranked mmr in line with their hidden unranked mmr (again I know my unranked mmr is decent because I am placed into matches with fellow legends and ancients when i look for solo pub games). There are players in the 1k bracket which simply do not belong but are being held back by poor teammates, smurfing players and the tilt that comes with losing due to the crap that happens in the bracket. Something has to be done to help clearly under-calibrated players escape the pit of 1k because it is disheartening knowing that solo ranked games are always going to be more luck based than skill based.