General Discussion

General DiscussionOffered 170 crates

Offered 170 crates in General Discussion

    Giff me rares vulva !


      Oh you too?


        and I kept deleting mine


          400 crates given #gabelovesme

          one and half gun

            i wish cosmetics were never introduced to dota 2


              I would give everything except my antimage stuff, but I honestly don't think it'd be worth it as I have no clue what we get back.


                ^^at this point wave, i havent organized my inventory in a long time, I think some of the extra stuff was cool though, I just didn't want it to turn out anything like TF2 (stopped playing that a while ago) only thing i'd hate to delete is my antimage 'set'. esp. the cool manta style blades


                  I offered about 20 trash commons and uncommons and about 40 boxes. Too bad we can't offer the non-tradable items from Christmas box.


                    So you can sacrifice locked treasure boxes and get something usable out of it? That'd be nice =)


                      keep in mind there will be two rounds of offering collection.

                      We will probably get to see what the chests give on the first round.

                      I have a legendary i'll add to the second round if it seems like a good idea after the results of the first are recorded.