General Discussion

General DiscussionThis Tinker PVE dota is pissing me off.

This Tinker PVE dota is pissing me off. in General Discussion

    push->stack ancients->push->clear ancients+clear stacked jungle with support

    absolutely no interaction in lane.

    I thought dota is a pvp game!

    buff the old way of playing tinker and nerf this retarded pve tinker.


      And do tell, what was old way of playing tinker?

      casual gamer

        laser missile gankerino


          Tinker is balanced


            sure balanced thats why he wins 80% of games at 5-7k mmr games


              y, total shit hero. srsly, delete march from the game.


                Most are just mad cause that call bullshit on his early game and late game pushing powers and disables.

                Totally balanced, just get bkb and done.


                  shit, why never thought of that one before. thank you soul eater 676, you just illuminated us all.


                    yes it's really sad to have a tinker in game


                      Soul Eater 676, the perfect exemple of a clueless fucktard.

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                        autism is strong in that soul eater trash


                          BKB doesn't prevent damage from March.


                            i hate tinker...

                            Quick maffs

                              btw he didnt get any buff right ? ( only that shitty aghs i guess ) so i dont know why he is so popular now


                                cause immortal.




                                    ^ blademail dota loool (that's exactly what my friends and I do haha)


                                      Fuck tinker.

                                      Too powerful in the hands of a 5k player in pub play.

                                      MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                        Well at 3k, its very frustrating to play Tinker. If you max your nukes to try and make space for Riki, Sniper, PA, and Venge bulding an S+Y, then you can't push. If you max march, you lose to the other team's 5 fat carries. Tinker wr of 40%, kda of 4 #3k life


                                          Wow. RIP soul eater. May you never repeat the same mistakes again in another life.

                                          Rusty Ken

                                            What is PvE guys?


                                              pick doom your only chance
                                              fucking tinker potm axe

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                                                blademail doesnt really work well now since new meta for tinker is bloodstone and that gives too much hp for blademail to kill him

                                                Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                  ^ Yes, I also buy Blademail on Phoenix against him after heart, dive through the march, does a hell lot of damage. Still fairly weak, the hero is just too tanky and he only takes a few seconds to tp back to base and fully regen again. It's really lame.


                                                    koch player vs enviroinment

                                                    aka when u play vs creeps instead of players

                                                    (antimage tinker pl nature prophet and other rat heroes)

                                                    Sup m8

                                                      I am a full regular user of gankerino tinker. If that makes you happy. It works well too :)

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        Yep wish they buffed his other nukes and nerfed march or something

                                                        PvE is not really fun guys

                                                        .  .

                                                          whoever said he has 4kda on tinker in 3k rating and has 40% winrate - you deserve to be there and have such a low winrate. In 3k mmr I would have a hard time dying as a tinker unless they pick their whole team countering me or I'd dive a fountain out of desperation for that 50th kill

                                                          Victor Wembenyama - Ede

                                                            nobody gives a fuck about what a smurf account has to say.

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                                                            Sup m8

                                                              And you think people care more about what you just said?

                                                              MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                @hxj04251#1x9-win mid lose
                                                                I have a better kda than you and you are using a smurf so get good son